The Protector English
I no longer sell English Pads & Girths in the Store. Contact me direct: 816-806-4742 Text or phone, thanks, Len
Kim tells of her experience with the CorrecTOR
She just received the NEW PROTECTOR VERSION.
All English Pads are now upgraded to The ProTecTOR.
This is a pad with top flap cut loose & folded down. All Pads will look the same as this inside.
I no longer make the Salient Dressage. I do have the Baroque Dressage which is a more all round saddle & is only 13 lbs with contact close to what you see here.
The Black Mesa trees are the result of Yrs. of LEN BROWN’S SCULPTING and using geometry to stop wither pinch, sweat flap bump, and the need to PLAY “THE SADDLE FITTING GAME”. When you get a saddle it can be used from horse to horse with only the PROTECTOR PAD to allow for re-balancing it for you.
THE BARS ARE THE TREE, the Tree is the Saddle. The FLAP is what is holding this saddle to the horse. It is the horse after broken in with sweat & stirrup strap wear.
The Corrector is used in jumping and Eventing!
Diane Vandeberg from Bend Oregon uses the Corrector English.
Hi Len, I've just placed another order for 2 additional "The Corrector" pads. I import warmbloods to the U.S. primarily for the Dressage and Hunter/Jumper markets. It's been a real ordeal to get our saddles to fit all the different types I've imported and trained. With "The Corrector", I don't have the need for all the different type saddles and pads and what not. I primarily use 1 or 2 different H/J saddles and the same in the dressage saddles, dramatically reducing my saddle inventory. I've used this pad to help with saddle fitting issues in both disciplines and can't begin to tell you what a difference it has made. I've seen horses that are so sore and miserable (actually becoming lame from saddle fitting issues in some cases) really improve in movement, jumping ability and changes in the muscle development over their backs. I can't say enough good about "The Corrector" pad. Riders and their horses would be well served to investigate what you have to offer! Thanks, Diane van den Berg Euro Pferde Centre LLC Bend, Oregon
To visit Diane van den Berg's Euro Pferde Center Click HERE... View Clinic schedules & Warmbloods offered direct from Europe that you can trust to be quality horses, imported by Diane van den Berg, Euro Pferde Centre LLC / Bend, Oregon USA
Welcome to The CorrecTOR> English
Communication, feel, functioning together as one mind. What you think and feel, your horse does simultaneously! This is the thrill of DRESSAGE RIDING at it's best. A world where Less is More! But sometimes more is too much for your horse: training, stress, pain from the saddle and all of the above.
Think of your horse as a radio & you as the broadcaster. A little bit of pain over a long period of time can build up to suddenly block his reception. You then start searching! The bit? The teeth?The shoes? The pad? Your seat & lack of skill? & Last / The saddle? Then the search becomes EXPENSIVE. An industry thrives because of your searching for a fix to your beloved animal's problems. What would the big Companies and Retailers do if you no longer needed a Fix! Would they sell or promote something for $379.00 that ended your continual searching? Only in the HORSE WORLD would a market survive in this manner!
A Reining Horse professional and largest Bob's Saddle retailer
looked at The Corrector and said "Damn you Len Brown, I was afraid you would come up with something like this, you know this could ruin my business!"
He then promptly bought one for his wife a horse trainer and Equine Physiotherapist! One week later, he called and ordered the std. size for himself. These were bought at my reg. price because the last thing this man wants to do is sell the CorrecTOR! Don't look for one in your tack store, they might end that "continual searching;"
by the most educated and concerned Horseperson, you the English Rider.
MICHELLE McMillen, a serious Dressage rider, OR.
Hi Len,I bought your Corrector system about a month ago and I'm really pleased with the results. My horse is much more comfortable and the dry spots behind his withers are greatly reduced. The massage therapist I use could tell a difference in my horse's comfort as well. Thank you for providing us with a solution to our problems! -Amanda R.B, Tucson, AZ
Len, My Trainer doesn't like the pad, doesn't believe in it, and somehow my horse ended up being tacked up w/out it over the past month or two. We do jumpers if you'll remember.
I'll bet you I spent $6,000 on Vet bills trying to figure out why Batman, who is 15 this year, kept coming up lame. He's been poked and prodded, injected, acupunctured, chiropracted, etc. etc., but no matter what we did he kept showing lame. (I got thrown off another horse 3 months ago & got a concussion so I wasn't paying attention to what my trainer was doing.)
Anyway, yesterday I got on Batman and he walked to the ring with his head down, like he was actually depressed. I was practically kicking him to go to the ring, and when I started to trot him, sure enough he was lame and didn't want to move at all. I said to the trainer: "let's see if he's lame without a rider, let's lunge him." Sure enough, not only NOT LAME, but running and bucking. Hmmn?
They brought out another Jumper Saddle Pad, I got on, still lame. I said "Bring me my Black Pad" (Corrector with a Sock) which I'm surprised my trainer didn't throw in the trash. Here it comes, all dirty and full of cobwebs, we put it on.
At first, he was still a little lame, but I kept going. Then I remember you said to let him canter / gallop and stretch out, and after once around the ring he was running away with me, tossing his head, and bucking. I was afraid to do too much, but at one point I had to break him down to the trot, and he was literally running away with me at the trot, powerhourse trotting like a dressage horse!!
A few moments earlier I told my trainer that at 15, it was probably time for hm to go out to pasture and be retired!!
Then, when I was done riding, we have a little turnout and when I took his bridle off, he literally jumped straight up in the air like a bucking bronco, and with his front legs three/four feet off the ground let out the biggest buck you've ever seen, he jumped and bucked three or four times and actually fell down he was so wild!! He's okay, but I was a little worried he hurt himself feeling sooooo good!!
Anyway, I learned my lesson, thank you so much for your incredible product! I bought the second one, just in case the first one gets thrown away or mysteriously disappears!!! ha ha ha!! Attached is a picture of Batman , happily jumping.
Thanks so much, Karoline Sauls,
Studio City, CA.
FANTASTIC news !! We went second, and were double clear and quite fast in the 1.20 meters, and thre were about 40 in the class. We were standing first the entire time, and THE LAST GUY IN THE CLASS BEAT US!! we got second!! Should I be unhappy?
He feels fantastic! ! I got the new Hunter fleece Pad in the mail and haven't even gotten it out of the box yet, but we will try it tomorrow! One more week of showing, this week at the Del Mar Horse Park, right down the street. Perhaps a video to follow?? Will Try!!
Thanks so much again, Karoline Sauls

IVORY PAL needed the Patented System to continue his career.
English NearTight Girth:PROTECTION with SECURITY,
3" of Elastic below buckles keep billets secure.
On my Baroque English the Sweat flap is SEWN TO THE OUTER FLAP. It is one piece across the top of the saddle. Close contact and holds the SADDLE LIKE GLUE!
This Billet set up lets you slip the one piece H billets into 3 positions to suit your horse’s confirmation. It takes only seconds to change the billets.
Hunter Fleece E Pad as it looks NOW! under 17
Std ENGLISH Hunter E PAD, Fleece where you need it, NOT UNDER THE FLAP!
Hi Len, I have just purchased the english corrector from you and went for my first trail ride on my mare yesterday (an arabian with a dip in her back) with my 15 year old daughter who has problems with her australian saddle staying put on her donkey and his girth rubbing him raw, so I let her test ride the Corrector. I took the shims out, and she had no trouble throughout the ride with her saddle sliding and her donkey had no raw spots from the girth with she was done with the ride. Im letting her keep the corrector and we are selling the Saddleright pad she was using with the saddle.
-Thanks, Michelle C., Berkey, OH
Std. English Aussie E Pad under 18
Fit's 17
Thanks so much for shipping me another Corrector Pad. I do dressage and my daughter does eventing. I have read about your pads before but read a discussion on the Chronicle of the Horse BB a month or two ago about someone trying to get a saddle to fit a sharkfin withered TB. One of the posters recommended your corrector pad. I went to your website and read all about your pad. It seemed like a good solution for my daughter's horse so I bought one. My daughter's horse has very high withers, an atrophied topline, hollows behind the shoulders and big shoulders. He was a successful intermediate event horse when I bought him but his musculature indicated that his saddle didn't fit. He looked like the horse with saddle fitting issues on your website. I bought a Devoucoux jumping saddle and a County dressage saddle specifically for him and had them fitted to his back. He was very hard to fit when they tried to fill in the area next to the withers to get wither clearance. Your pad has helped provide protection for his shoulders and raise the saddle up in the front for wither clearance and to keep my daughter from getting pitched forward. He has been going better and better and his topline has been filling out since she has been using your pad. My daughter is thinking that maybe she can now take out one of the shims in the front as he has finally started to fill in behind the shoulder.
I have another prelim Event horse that fits your description of the one sided horse perfectly. Although his strong side is opposite from your example. I have been rehabbing him and have been having trouble getting him to take his left lead at the canter and holding it. He keeps switching as we go around turns. One day he was particularly bad and I realized that my girth was not tight enough and the cantle was fishtailing to the left over his spine. He was scooting sideways trying to avoid the pain. His saddle was also specifically fit to him and has been checked multiple times. I took the advice from your website and switched to a non elastic girth, adjusted my stirrups and used my daughters corrector pad with the shims on the left. He took both leads perfectly and held the canter without switching. He is the reason I ordered the second pad.
Thank you so much for inventing this pad. It seems to be the missing link in getting both these horses sorted out and working up to their potential.
-Lauren Thayer,
Std. English Corrector with G-P TREE
Only the 4 holes in the upper front should show, it's smaller than it looks.
Large Aussie English Envelope Pad w/ 18
In Std & Lrg. fully Fleece lined for Endurance & Trail, Whatever? For all larger Saddle.
Hi Len,
I bought your corrector pad with a sock just under a year ago, fantastic product. We recently moved to Tasmania- the small island south of Australia.
I have recently seen a horse down here with saddle fit problems as I do Equine Touch. I lent her my corrector and in less than 1 week the soreness had disappeared. This particular lady had been in contact with Linda Parelli to try and fix the problem - her horse used to try and attack the air pad she was using - and they say horses can't talk.
The only problem is that I see so many saddle fit problems and I am always lending mine out - no one has heard of them down here.
Thanks again,
Cheers, Nicole- Tasmania
Hi Len, Thanks for your call to check on how the English CorrecTOR is working on our Connemara Cross. He is mow moving out freely with no signs of pressure or discomfort. Having studied the literature on all of the flex-system saddles out there, it is no surprise to me that the simplest approach is the one that worked best. Thanks for solving the problem (and saving me $2500 bucks)! Best regards, Nelson Garnett DVM Learn more on the HORSEMENS FEEDBACK PAGE, on the navigation bar at the upper left of this page. Len .

Linda Simmons Twin Brooks, SD.
In her own words! "I have bought no less than 7 different "Orthopedic" pads and 9 different dressage/eventing saddles../..nothing has made as much improvement in the horses as the Corrector"....After the Corrector was used on my horses for just a couple of months I started to receive compliments on my riding. "When your horses feel better, you feel better and then you ride better!"
"The Corrector might be the secret to the full potential of horses and riders." To read the rest of Linda's story, go to the Customers Tell It The Way It Is Page.
GET OUT YOUR M/C, VISA, Discover or American Express and CLICK HERE to ORDER YOUR ENGLISH CorrecTOR, sizes and details are all SIMPLIFIED, it's PAIN>FREE for you and your horse! Thanks Len
You can ride your new Corrector for up to 30 days. If you have questions or problems give Len a call. >816 625 0333. If you are not satisfied and what to return it, call Len for a Return Authorization Number. After it is received you will be credited back the retail price you paid minus a 20% Restocking fee. Len will then have a used Corrector to sell. That's a rarity. This MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE IS GOOD FOR THE CONTINENTAL US ONLY.
The horse Pictured below, follow the story:
Hi Len, I'm excited about the possibilities of your Corrector pad. We have an 8 yr old thoroughbred gelding who after a very short racing career, an injury and a 3 year lay-up, is now in training for equitation jumpers. He is 17.3 hands and has immensely high narrow withers. After working with 4 different saddles. We (and a few fairly well "saddle educated" barn members) have come to the conclusion that our Courbette Alpina fits him the best. (the other 3 saddles we tried were a Crosby Prix de Nations, a Nice close contact as well as a Henri de Rivel close contact) The problem has been rubs (sometimes raw and bleeding) on the sides of his withers. It has gotten to the point where I'm afraid to really ride him for fear he is hurting under my seat. Sincerely Kimmie & Victor
wide withers with a WIDE TREE, NOTHING BUT PINCH !
We have tried many different types of pads and at the moment are using a quilted square pad, with wither cut out, with a Cashel Wedge Foam pad over it also cut out completely around the withers.
It seems that if we have a saddle with a narrow enough tree so that we get good wither clearance, it is too narrow for his back and he gets sores below the withers along his spine. as well as it is obviously extremely uncomfortable for him and we cannot get any real smooth gaits or bending!
If we put a wide enough saddle on him so that his spine and back are comfortable there is not enough wither clearance. Which brings us to where we are now..... padding up to hold the saddle high enough to clear and keeping the pads cutback from his withers so he doesn't get rubs from the pads being pressed on top of his withers.
It is quite a "makeshift " solution and will not be feasible next year when I hope to start the show circuit her on Long Island. Kimme
Hello Len, We wanted to really give the Corrector a good test before emailing you with progress. The first day we used the pad, with the front shims, and nothing else. As I was still concerned about the rubbing on his back I just trotted for about 20 minutes and left it at that, anxious to get the saddle off and see what his back was like. Well! Let me tell you. I thought I was going to cry I was so excited!!! Not a hint of any rubbing . Completely even sweat marks under the entire Corrector, not to mention the fact that he had felt more balanced and supple when I rode him than he ever has!!!!!!
I have been riding him every day since we got the corrector, using the front shims and just a simple baby pad over it. We are getting up to regular workouts including jumping. His back is just wonderful. He is bending and coming down into the bit more quickly and easily than ever before. I used to have to "warm him up" for at least 20 minutes to get him to grudgingly agree to move the way he does almost from the instant I get on him now since I am using the Corrector. He is like a different (and much better and happier) horse!!
I cannot thank you enough!!! You have given us more than you can ever know. I am once again confident in knowing that I can ride to my heart's content without constantly being worried he's bleeding under the saddle, and Victor... well if he could ... I'm sure he'd thank you too... for taking the hurt and frustration out of being ridden!!!
Again from both of us... thank you thank you.. thank you!!!Sincerely,Kimmie & Victor
The English Corrector is designed to:Protect the moving scapula from the head of the tree, without pushing the saddle as the horse bends & turns. Position the saddle just at the rear of the shoulders. The Corrector should extend 3" in front of the tree head.Stabilize side to side roll and keep the saddle from sliding up over the shoulders on landing, or in the downhill. Normally the placement of billets and width of tree are the deciding factors here, but no more. Correct saddle placement is almost universal.Reduce severe seat aids to the horse which cause Dorsiflexion and the resultant hollowing of the back. It's much cheaper for saddlers to attach the rear sweatflap and outer flap leather tabs full thickness over the sharp angled Edge of the bars at the rear. The only alternative is to; Castle cut and skive, then interlace, the 2 thin layers as one, over the sharp edge of the bar. Only a few custom makers build, on request, in this manner, thereby eliminating the set of knuckles above the stuffed panels at the rear of your flaps. You can't feel them but your horse can. Lift your saddle and palpate that spot on both sides of your horse. You might be surprised! The only reasons saddlemakers put them there in the first place is to overcome the pain caused at the ft. of the saddle so the seat aids are noticed by the horse, and it's cheaper!
When I first conceived the idea for the corrector, it was to be simple to make and it worked pretty well for west. saddles. I ran an ad in the Stable Connection in NE. to do some market testing. Sure enough a very nice lady called me from S. Dakota and wanted one for Dressage. I told her the west. Model wouldn't work for English. I finally decided to go ahead and design one and let her test it. I figured I couldn't get too much egg on my face in S.D. What I came up with impressed me before I Tested it. After testing, I was really Impressed! This CorrecTOR did so much more than the one I'd been testing for a year, I could hardly believe it myself! I redesigned the west version immediately. I'm still riding the original English one. I have gone to a cream polymer, not the grey in the picture that you see under the ventilation holes. The Std.English Corrector works with 16" thru 17.5" saddles. The Large is for 17.5" thru 19" saddles. You can use a riding cloth or fleece hunt style pad above the CorrecTOR or just ride it alone as you see Natalie doing. ORDERING > FOR UP TO 17.5" SADDLES, ORDER THE STD. ENGLISH CORRECTOR., FOR 18" SADDLES ORDER THE LARGE ENGLISH CORRECTOR.
Call me anytime you can catch me. @ 816 625 0333 LEN BROWN'S INNOVATIONS 38901 E Colbern Rd.Ext. Oak Grove, MO. 64075 Click here to Email me >